
Alumni Advisors

Board of Advisors

President, Crystal Clear Financial Solutions, LLC

Crystal Suber

I imagine a Petersburg High School where every student is seen, excited about learning, and finds a path towards a future they can be proud of.

Professional STEM Tutor, Guilford College

Derrick Williams

Let's go Crimson Wave!

Founder & Executive Director, Resolve Solutions Inc.

E. Sean Lanier

The most important thing we can do is raise awareness of the talented students and their pursuits - not specifically focused on the athletic or entertainment sector, but professional and vocation efforts as well.

Architectural Designer , Baskervill

Marlow Jones Jr.

The most important thing we can do right now is continue to give back to the youth of Petersburg.

Sheriff, City of Petersburg

Vanessa Crawford

The most important thing we can do is work to secure funding for teachers and opportunities for students.